Projects in Academy
- NSF (National Science Foundation), “1111638”, RI: Large: Collaborative Research: A Robotic Network for Locating and Removing Invasive Carp from Inland Lakes, (2014-current), Post-Doc.
- TÜBİTAK (Turkey Scientific and Technological Research Foundation), "111E285", Hybrid Mapping and Scene Perception by Comparison Methodology for Multi-Robots, (2013-2014), Post-doctoral researcher,
- TÜBİTAK, "111E285", Hybrid Mapping and Scene Perception by Comparison Methodology for Multi-Robots, (2012-2013), Phd Student.
- BAP (Scientific Research Projects), "5720", Different Perception Types and Sharing via Communication for MultiRobot Systems 2011-2012, Phd Student.
- BAP, "09HA210D", Scene Recognition with Multi-Robots, 2009-2010, Phd Student.
- TÜBİTAK "107M240", Scene Recognition, Navigation and Coordination on Mobile Robots based on Attention, (2007-2010), Phd Student.